It's a fashion, it's a trend. Body shaving is being practiced by both males and females. Pubic hair removal is also being done, as a natural extension within this trend. Women have been practicing a partial body shave for decades now - the under arms, the legs, the bikini line. This practice has gone even further lately by removing hair from the arms and obviously other places in the body where body hair has appeared. It can be a continuation from the pubic area going towards the navel; it can be hair growing around the breast; it can be individual or groups of hair around the face.
For women to remove hair hasn't been questioned and rarely been judged - unless the questioning refers to non-removal of hair. So we can safely say it is normal. Pubic hair removal in women, as with men, isn't easily observed for obvious reason.
In the recent past it would have been judged as very daring, and perhaps harsh connotations would have been placed. Today however, in most circles it is just a choice. Perhaps a great choice or a sexy choice - but with no additional judgment.
For men on the other hand, to shave their body hair wasn't seen as a simple extension from shaving their beard. The male image carried with it, not only the fact that body hair was normal (which it is) but it was also a reflection of manliness. This probably had more to do with the way men saw themselves than how women saw them. It is also a logical perspective. When men start shaving it is with a great sense of pride that facial hair appears - the more, the better.
Women with body or facial hair, weren't seen as desirable.
In this day and age these clichés are no longer valid. Men who remove body hair are normal and can be desirable. It is simple a question of choice and attraction. Men and women come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some have little body hair, all have pubic hair. Some have plenty of body hair.This variety, the spice of life, does have an impact on the method you can use to remove body hair.
For example, waxing hair on the back or thighs is not necessarily the best choice. Plucking pubic hair can be a long process, and quite painful. So from these basic examples it is obvious that not only are there different choices, but also different requirements.
Another point to consider is that as this trend has grown, a large market has developed and is therefore worth a lot of money; it is big business. There is an extensive list of alternatives, from beauty boutiques to specialized centers; from various ingredients, including the physical artifacts that can be used, to an ample collection of competing products to enhance the experience and control after effects - creams, lotions and so on.
For a full body hair removal exercise and yes, pubic hair removal, perhaps the most effective method is shaving. (Ladies, don't try shaving facial hair.). Although everybody thinks about shaving it is not perceived as glamorous as waxing or the more high-tech alternatives like lasers and electrolysis.
But again, specially for a full body shave and pubic hair removal requirement, shaving (with a razor or with an electric shaver) is becoming the preferred choice by many, including professionals for whom hair removal is a necessity (sportsmen and women, actors, models). Why? Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that shaving is easy to do, doesn't cost much and you can do it yourself.