Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder. Unfortunately, it is also all too susceptible to being killed off in early life by poor lifestyle choices which include late nights; too much alcohol; smoking; city smog and a whole list of unpleasant elements that attack our skin quality, make us gain weight and generally leave us looking worn out and decidedly frayed around the edges.
The fact is that most of us are not prepared to give up absolutely all the fun stuff like drinking rather too many glasses of wine, eating copious amounts of curry with friends on a Saturday night and generally whooping it up now and then. However, provided we do not make a habit of it, there is no reason why the occasional fling should destroy our looks and turn us into Godzilla before we are thirty.
A great way to stop the army of time marching across our faces is to stick to a healthy eating plan and combine it with a sensible exercise routine. The damage caused by the occasional late night and a decent social life can be limited by taking regular exercise, most beneficially in the early morning and followed by a healthy breakfast smoothie. Fresh fruits and vegetables, blended with some delicious ingredients to make it taste lovely and some vitamins and supplements to guarantee prolonged energy right through to lunch hour can transform the average sedentary couch potato into a powerhouse of fitness.
Juicing is becoming even more fashionable every year. Hardly surprising when you consider how many vitamins and nutrients might be packed into one glass, making it easy to prepare, simple to monitor and control what is being consumed and offering an unlimited menu of flavors and textures, not only to enjoy those one likes, but to disguise those one does not like that are nonetheless beneficial, making them not only palatable but enjoyable: a great way to camouflage less popular foods like spinach, carrots and butter beans.
Juicing recipes are available that target certain key areas of the body. If you have a tendency to suffer from low key infections or acne or indigestion, there are recipes on the market that will help to remedy these problems and in some cases, eliminate them completely. The real advantage is that, unlike experimentation with chemicals or prescription drugs, juicing is a natural treatment and benefits not only internal health but external appearance: a beauty treatment in a juicer.
As you open your refrigerator tomorrow morning and wonder whether to tuck into a stack of pancakes with crispy bacon and maple syrup or fry two eggs and wash them down with a carton of processed orange juice, ask yourself whether you are going to be wearing the after effects on your face by the end of the week...!
The secret of having beautiful skin, shiny hair and fingernails that do not split is not found on the counters of proprietary cosmetic manufacturers: it is found in your kitchen!