Although this is far from ideal, such is life and there is absolutely no need to despair. Modern technology and some other very smart people have provided enough options to quick-fix yourself into being more confident this summer, despite your dress size.
Go Smooth
Smooth, silky skin will make you look and feel loads better, and in turn boost your confidence dramatically. This does mean its time to get going with the buffing and preening, however this is a job well-worth the effort. Going hairless is your first step- shave, pluck or wax yourself gorgeous, it doesn't matter how you get there, but smoother, hairless skin will automatically boost morale. Exfoliating and moisturizing are also key tools in creating a smoother you. Regular exfoliation will not only make your skin glow, but used repeatedly can also stimulate circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite. The moisturizer will just help create supple, glowing skin and that in itself can make you instantly more confident.
Nothing will do more for your confidence than a decent tan. A tanned, bronzed physique can perform wonders. It will make you appear slimmer, more toned and healthier. The multitude of options available also means that you can achieve this healthy glow in a matter of a few a minutes. Self-tanners do tend to take a little longer to work, however there are some great bronzers on the market too, which take mere minutes to turn you into a bronzed goddess. For the ultimate confidence boost- use BOTH! A decent self-tan job, highlighted with some bronzer will leave you glowing.
Suit your Suit
So you are not quite happy with what stares back at you from the bathroom mirror. The sight isn't exactly doing much for your confidence or self-esteem either, but, yet again, there is a quick-fix waiting to save the day. It is as simply as wearing clothing that suits and flatters, particularly when it comes to your beach attire. Different shapes simply need to be dressed differently, and the illusions you can create using some simple principles, are nothing short of amazing.
In with the Water, out with the Salt!
The ultimate quick-fix in order to enhance confidence levels is to simply tackle unnecessary bloating. In order to give the appearance of a slimmer waistline and reduce water retention, drink lots of water and cut down on your sodium (salt) intake. This is one of the most effective strategies in improving your appearance, specifically around the stomach area. This simple daily routine should also help increase energy, improve you sleep and contribute to a better complexion.
Surgical Solutions
Although being realistic about the fallacy of human perfection is important, there also does come a time when surgical options to enhance your appearance may become a real option. If you have problem areas that simply can't be tackled with regular exercise and healthy diet, cosmetic surgery may provide an alternative way to increase confidence. Without looking to create a Barbie doll- like figure, sometimes no amount of tan, exfoliation and correct dressing can help to hide a part of your body which may be of particular concern. In this case, it is important to know that there is an option out there for you. The UK has some highly qualified and professional companies out there who are able to offer lipo at some reasonable rates, making it more accessible than ever before.