Having ingrown public hair is absolutely no fun at all, especially if the situation is worsened with some painful and infected hair follicles. Most people, though, with today's fashion styles, do like to modify or "tame" their pubic hair growth somewhat - either by trimming, shaving, using a depilatory, or waxing. That being the case, almost everyone is probably going to have to battle ingrown pubic hair at some point, so here are three tips on how to get rid of them:
First of all, try to loosen up the skin and pores which will help "release" the hair. Pores open naturally as a reaction to heat, so take a warm bath or hit the steam room at the gym.
Secondly, get a really good pair of pointy tweezers. After sterilizing them in alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, grab hold of the offending ingrown pubic hair, and pull it out by the roots. I know this sounds terribly painful, but it's not really that bad at all. It does not hurt nearly as much as that ingrown pubic hair does, I promise.
The third of the three tips on how to get rid of these little nuisances is to practice better hair removal to help avoid ingrown pubic hairs to begin with. When shaving, it is best to shave in the same direction as hair growth. Going "against the grain" causes ingrown pubic hair. You should also trim the hair before shaving it. Trying to shave long hair of any sort with a razor is a recipe for disaster. Use clippers or scissors to trim the hair first. Avoid waxing. Aside from the pain, it is very possible that the hairs will break off below the skin line rather than being removed completely.
If you want to find out more I have provided more information below.