We enjoy a perfume lover's heaven in modern times, with consumers able to access some of the finest produce from the famous perfume houses of the world. In this regard our current affluence would be beyond the comprehension of those people back in our history who valued aromatic substances as much as gold.
Wonderful scents and perfumes are now easily available in toiletries and body perfumes although the costs are relatively high, particularly products based on purely natural oils. This demand has increased with the growth of new professions such as aromatherapy which depends upon products untainted by chemicals in order to offer healing and give clients relief from suffering. Aromas provide a very pleasant and effective therapy. We have experienced a fascinating development in the use of aromatics and the emerging science of osmics.
The natural sensory enjoyment of perfumes out in the garden provides us with delightful olfactory experiences when we are out in the open air. However, through the sophisticated art of the perfumier we are now able to enjoy perfumes at any time we choose.
Perfume represents a special cultural refinement and almost a personal necessity for women, but there are also many scents and essential oils available for men to use and enjoy. As consumers, we are offered a bewildering range of different perfume labels from which to choose. For decision making we must rely upon our intuitive reaction to a product and in its use, remind ourselves that subtlety is best.
Incense sticks provide a means of perfuming through fumes arising from burning aromatic material. This is where our word for perfume originated.
In a variety of ways we seek to indulge our sense of olfactory as we continue to increase the use of perfumes in our lives. And of course, regardless of personal wealth, we all share the freedom to enjoy the perfumes in nature in our walks in the wild, in our enjoyment of our garden, or in the delicate scent of a rose.
We live in the developed countries with a general affluence beyond any previously known era in history and which allows us choices in utilising products that were once luxury items. This applies particularly to our use of perfume both as a means of sensory satisfaction as well as for more practical purposes. Perfume continues as a subject of fascination today.
The simplest method of enjoyment is through awareness of deeper respiration.
Aromatherapy or the science of Osmics is proving immensely popular when applied in self help or in professional healing. It is a delightful way to employ natural perfumes to assist mood and mind states and is particularly helpful as an adjunct to relaxation techniques and stress relief.
As important as the absorption of natural essential oils through massaging into the skin is the vital intake of energy through olfaction and direct absorption to the brain with inhalation. Whereas the popular concept of aromatherapy is associated with massage and relaxation, inhalation of perfumes offers exciting extended possibilities of affecting and benefiting the whole psyche - our mind, moods and nervous system. The subtlest affect is upon our spiritual faculty of inspiration which is so closely related to the respiratory action of inspiring.
Perfumes, music, gemstones and other subtle healing methods have a rightful place alongside the more regularly employed techniques used in naturopathic treatment and spiritual healing.